Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation of Deep Networks

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Introduction & Background

Learning Modular Policies from Sketches


Conclusion & Critique

The paper's contributions are:

  • A general paradigm for multitask, hierarchical, deep reinforcement learning guided by abstract sketches of task-specific policies.
  • A concrete recipe for learning from these sketches, built on a general family of modular deep policy representations and a multitask actor–critic training objective.

They have described an approach for multitask learning of deep multitask policies guided by symbolic policy sketches. By associating each symbol appearing in a sketch with a modular neural subpolicy, they have shown that it is possible to build agents that share behavior across tasks in order to achieve success in tasks with sparse and delayed rewards. This process induces an inventory of reusable and interpretable subpolicies which can be employed for zero-shot generalisation when further sketches are available, and hierarchical reinforcement learning when they are not.


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