SPINS Development Plans

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Things to add

  1. Diagnostics
    • Richardson number
    • Q and R
    • Mixing and Stirring
    • Energy flux through a plane
    • Area/Volume of a region meeting a specified criterion
    • output diagnostics at optional time-steps (to be step in spins.conf)
  2. Add additional options to derivatives case file (vortex stretching terms, laplacian)
  3. Chains and planes
  4. Verbosity flag for outputs
  5. Verbosity flag for debugging
  6. Increase/Decrease resolution by padding the spectra with zeros
  7. Make clean will clean all subdirectories in cases folder

Things to improve

    • add a list of papers that have used SPINS
  2. I/O in NETCDF
  3. Upper boundary condition (not clustering grid points at top)
  4. Filter parameters and understanding


  1. Scaling in mapped cases
  2. Update software packages