statwiki:General disclaimer

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Contribution Agreement

By contributing to this wiki, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

1. License: All content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) License, which permits sharing with proper attribution but prohibits commercial use or modifications.

2. Intellectual Property Ownership: Ownership of contributions remains with the instructor of the course. By contributing to this wiki, you grant the course instructor a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, and adapt your contributions for teaching, research, and academic projects, including future publications.

3. University Rights: In accordance with University of Waterloo's IP Policy, the University is granted a non-exclusive, free, irrevocable license to use and copy the content for internal teaching and research purposes, but the material will not be licensed or distributed outside the University without additional consent from the instructor.

4. Copyright Notice: All content on this wiki remains the property of the instructor and may not be used for commercial purposes or derivative works without explicit permission.

5. Future Use: By contributing, you acknowledge that your contributions may be used by the instructor for future academic projects, including publications, without any further claim to ownership or compensation.

6. Compliance with Copyright Law: By contributing to this wiki, you affirm that any content you add (including text, figures, images, or other media) does not violate copyright laws. You agree that any material you contribute is either your own original work or used with proper permissions, licenses, or attribution. The use of copyrighted materials without appropriate permissions is strictly prohibited.