Understanding the Effective Receptive Field in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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What is the Receptive Field (RF) of a unit?

Why is RF important?

The concept of receptive field is important for understanding and diagnosing how deep Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) work. Since anywhere in an input image outside the receptive field of a unit does not affect the value of that unit, it is necessary to carefully control the receptive field, to ensure that it covers the entire relevant image region. In many tasks, especially dense prediction tasks like semantic image segmentation, stereo and optical flow estimation, where we make a prediction for each single pixel in the input image, it is critical for each output pixel to have a big receptive field, such that no important information is left out when making the prediction.

How to Increase RF size?

Make the network deeper by stacking more layers, which increases the receptive field size linearly by theory, as each extra layer increases the receptive field size by the kernel size.

Add sub-sampling layers to increase the receptive field size multiplicatively.

Modern deep CNN architectures like the VGG networks and Residual Networks use a combination of these techniques.

Intuition behind Effective Receptive Fields

The pixels at the center of a RF have a much larger impact on an output:

  • In the forward pass, central pixels can propagate information to the output through many different paths, while the pixels in the outer area of the receptive field have very few paths to propagate its impact.
  • In the backward pass, gradients from an output unit are propagated across all the paths, and therefore the central pixels have a much larger magnitude for the gradient from that output [More paths always mean larger gradient?].

Authors prove that in many cases the distribution of impact in a receptive field distributes as a Gaussian. Since Gaussian distributions generally decay quickly from the center, the effective receptive field, only occupies a fraction of the theoretical receptive field.


Verifying Theoretical Results

Here the ERFs are averaged over 20 runs with different random seed. The figures on the right shows the ERF for networks with 20 layers of random weights, with different nonlinearities. Here the results are averaged both across 100 runs with different random weights as well as different random inputs. In this setting the receptive fields are a lot more Gaussian-like.



Authors showed ,theoretically and experimentally, that the distribution of impact within the receptive field is asymptotically Gaussian, and the effective receptive field only takes up a fraction of the full theoretical receptive field. They also studied
