Structures in Matlab
In Matlab structures are a special kind of array that can contain many different data types and sizes. This can be useful to group data that is related but not of the same type/size.
To create a structure use the "." to Define a field. For example:
myStruct.Names = {'Bob' 'Ben' 'Alex' 'John'}; myStruct.Grades = [67 58 89 85];
This creates a structure called "myStruct" with fields "Names" and "Grades". Accessing a particular entry just uses "()".
aName = myStruct.Names(1) aGrade = myStruct.Grades(1)
aName = cell 'Bob' aGrade = 67
There are a number of built in Matlab functions which operate on structures.
This returns the field names of the structure.
ans = 2×1 cell array 'Names' 'Grades'
This returns the values of a specific field.
ans = 67 58 89 85
This checks whether the input is a field in the structure.
isfield(myStruct,'Names') isfield(myStruct,'BLAH')
ans = logical 1 ans = logical 0
To see the full list of functions that operate on Structures and for more examples please go to: