Differentiation and Integration
This script is a tutorial on how to differentiate and integrate numerically. No fancy techniques are used and it is really an exercise in using the data structures learned in the first lesson.
Define parameters and set up the grid
numpts=1000; L=10;
Set up the 1d grid.
xg=10*linspace(0,1,numpts+1); dx=xg(2)-xg(1); xgm=0.5*(xg(2:numpts+1)+xg(1:numpts)); dxg=(xg(2:numpts+1)-xg(1:numpts));
Define the function
Define the function of interest, its derivative and integral (I used Maple).
myf=@(x) x.*(10-x).*sin(4*pi*x/L); myfp=@(x) (10-x).*sin((2/5)*pi.*x)-x.*sin((2/5)*pi.*x)+(2/5)*x.*(10-x).*cos((2/5)*pi.*x)*pi; myintf=@(x) (25/4)*(10*sin((2/5).*pi.*x)-4*x.*cos((2/5)*pi*x)*pi-(5/2)*(-(4/25)*pi^2*x.^2.*cos((2/5)*pi*x)+2*cos((2/5)*pi*x)+(4/5)*pi*x.*sin((2/5)*pi*x))/pi)/pi^2; myg=@(x) 10*x-0.1*3*x.^2; myintg=@(x) 5*x.^2-0.1*x.^3;
Get the function and the derivative on the grid.
For the derivative use the grid at the mid points.
Finite Difference approximation
Now use a finite difference approximation that uses the info at the closest point on the right and the closest point on the left.
fpmethod1=(fg(2:end)-fg(1:end-1))./dxg; figure(1) clf subplot(2,1,1) plot(xgm,fgp,'b',xgm,fpmethod1,'ro') xlabel('x') ylabel('derivative') subplot(2,1,2) semilogy(xgm,abs(fpmethod1-fgp)) xlabel('x') ylabel('error')

Try changing numpts to see how the error changes. The finite difference method in the above is of second order (you can check this from the Taylor series) but uses a different grid. We will talk about generating differentiation matrices in a different M-file but for now let's try to use interpolation onto the original grid to see how that effects the error.
fporig1=interp1(xgm,fpmethod1,xg,'linear'); fporig2=interp1(xgm,fpmethod1,xg,'pchip'); fporig3=interp1(xgm,fpmethod1,xg,'spline');
The moral of the story is that the built in spline interpolation is both quick and accurate.
fgp0=myfp(xg); mxerrlin=max(abs(fporig1-fgp0)) mxerrcubic=max(abs(fporig2-fgp0)) mxerrspline=max(abs(fporig3-fgp0))
mxerrlin = 9.5249e-04 mxerrcubic = 9.5249e-04 mxerrspline = 2.3813e-04
% Integration gg=myg(xg); % First order estimate of integral from the left and right Riemann sums. myint1l=sum(gg(1:end-1))*dx; myint1r=sum(gg(2:end))*dx;
Second order estimate of integral from the trapezoid rule. Notice that for not a lot of extra work we get a real improvement.
myint2=(0.5*gg(1)+sum(gg(2:end-1))+0.5*gg(end))*dx; myinta=myintg(L)-myintg(0); relerr1l=(myint1l-myinta)/myinta relerr1r=(myint1r-myinta)/myinta relerr2=(myint2-myinta)/myinta
relerr1l = -8.7513e-04 relerr1r = 8.7487e-04 relerr2 = -1.2500e-07