Matlab 3D Graphics
This is a tutorial on the 3D graphics capabilities in Matlab.
Create data
We begin by creating some sample 3D data.
x=linspace(-1,1,256); % Create 1D grids. y=linspace(-2,2,128); z=linspace(-5,5,384); [xxx,yyy,zzz]=meshgrid(x,y,z); % Combine to make 3D grid. myf=sin(pi*xxx.*yyy).*(yyy.^2-3*xxx.*yyy.*zzz); xg=xxx; yg=yyy; zg=zzz; fg=myf;
Isosurface plot
% isosurface creates a 3D contour at the specified value (in this case 15).
Using the "FaceColor" property you can change the color of the contour. These are defined using the RGB values, some common colors are: [0 0 1] Blue [1 0 0] Red [0 1 0] Green [1 1 0] Yellow [1 1 1] White [0 0 0] Black
p1.FaceColor = [0.95 0.05 0.05];
The "EdgeColor" property color sets the color of the edges of the surface. To remove any color from the edges, set this to none.
p1.EdgeColor = 'none';
With the "FaceAlpha" property you can change the opacity of the contour.
p1.FaceAlpha = 0.55;
If you want to keep adding plots to the current figure you need to "hold" the figure.
hold on p2=patch(isosurface(xg,yg,zg,fg,5)); p2.FaceColor = [0.55 0.55 0.95]; p2.EdgeColor = 'none'; p2.FaceAlpha = 0.75;
The view command changes the angle of the viewpoint for your figure. The first number is the azimuthal angle in degrees away from the negative y axis, and the second number is the angle of elevation away from the xy-plane. To see a diagram showing the angles go to:
view([120 30])
grid on
With 3D graphics you can control the "light" which creates shadows to create a more "realistic" figure. The "camlight" function specifies a light in the camera "view" coordinates (azimuthal and elevation). Every invocation will create a new light.
camlight(-45,0.1) camlight(45,30)
Since the x, y, and z grids are different lengths we can use the "daspect" command to change their aspect ratio so that the axes appear to be equal lengths.
daspect([1 2 5]) toc
Elapsed time is 6.048523 seconds.
Changing the viewer size
If we wanted to make all the axis lengths appear their actual sizes you change the daspect to [1 1 1].
figure(2) clf tic p1=patch(isosurface(xg,yg,zg,fg,15)); p1.FaceColor = [0.95 0.05 0.05]; p1.EdgeColor = 'none'; p1.FaceAlpha = 0.55; hold on p2=patch(isosurface(xg,yg,zg,fg,5)); p2.FaceColor = [0.55 0.55 0.95]; p2.EdgeColor = 'none'; p2.FaceAlpha = 0.75; view([120 30]) grid on camlight(-45,0.1) camlight(45,30) daspect([1 1 1])
Where the daspect([1 1 1]) specifies that all axis should be the same size.
Some other plotting functions which work in 3D are: surf quiver streamline To see the full selection of functions please go to: