SPINS Science Files
SPINS comes with a variety of Science files which help with simulation data analysis. Below is a list of currently available functions with a brief description of their purpose and the assumptions behind their implementation. These Science files are in spins/src/Science.
Unless otherwise mentioned, the functions below work for both unmapped and mapped domains where the mapping is along the bottom of the domain (where the bottom is at the 0-index in the z-dimension, as opposed to at the index). Another way to say this is that z increases with the index.
Returns the vector of the bottom slope at each x-grid point. This is used for calculating the stresses along the bottom boundary (cf. bottom_stress_x.cpp and bottom_stress_y.cpp).
Returns the 2D vector of the x-component of stress on the bottom boundary. The z boundary condition must be no slip.
If the case is unmapped:
where is the dynamic viscosity.
If the case is mapped:
where and where is the bottom slope.
Returns the 2D vector of the y-component of stress on the bottom boundary. The z boundary condition must be no slip.
If the case is unmapped:
where is the dynamic viscosity.
If the case is mapped:
where and where is the bottom slope.
Returns the value of the background potential energy,
where is the depth of an element of the sorted density field which minimized the potential energy (ie. ). For more information see Winters et al. (1995).
Returns the rate of energy transfer from internal energy into background potential energy.
where and are the depths of the upper and lower boundaries, respectively. The integral is taken over the horizontal extent. For more information see Winters et al. (1995).
Create the quadrature weights for each dimension.
If the boundary condition is no-slip, use the Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature weights:
If the boundary condition is free-slip, use the trapezoid rule:
Compute all vorticity components.
Compute the x-component of vorticity:
Compute the y-component of vorticity:
Compute the z-component of vorticity: