Matlab-to-SPINS grid ordering
Matlab to SPINS grid ordering, for a 2D domain with periodic (or free-slip) conditions in the x-direction and free-slip conditions in the z-direction and a flat bottom boundary. It solves the DJL equation for solitary waves or the Taylor-Goldstein equation for traveling/standing linear waves, interpolates the u, w and rho fields onto a regular (non-Cheb) grid, and then saves the data as SPINS input files (for wave_reader_x).
Input parameters and main driver file formatlab2spins2d.m
Taylor-Goldstein equation solver for traveling/standing linear waves.get_eta.m
Main iteration loop of the DJL solver.md_diff.m
Differentiation matrix for the DJL solver.iswpost.m
Post processing for the DJL solver.iswpic.m
Making plots for the DJL solver.find_contour.m
Find the contour of Ri=0.25 in the DJL solution.contour_data.m
Function called byfind_contour.m
Interpolation of flow fields from DJL/TG solver onto SPINS grid.resize_x.m
Spectral interpolation in x-direction.resize_z.m
Spectral interpolation in z-direction.