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LEARN is the University's LMS. It is powered by D2L, also called BrightSpace.

Grade book items

editing gradebook items

Gradebook set-up

Entering Grades

changing the visibility of gradebook items

Managing Grades

arranging exemptions for individuals

Exempting a Grade Item for a Student

editing grades for individuals

To edit multiple grades for a specific item:

  1. Click Grades in the navbar.
  2. Click Manage Grades, find the item you want to edit and click the down arrow to the right of the item's name and select Enter Grades.
  3. Edit Grade and click Save and Close.

To edit individuals' grades:

  1. Click Grades in the navbar.
  2. Click Enter Grades, click the users' names you want to edit.
  3. Edit and click Save and Close.

To adjust final grades for individual students, click here.

calculating final grades

Calculating Final Grades

uploading final grades to Quest

How Do I Upload My Final Grades

where to keep student records

Export a Local Copy of Course Grades

Learn data and course stats

add/drop/withdraw dates

  1. Click Connect and Classlist in the navbar.
  2. Click Enrolment Statistics.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the users' names and withdraw dates under Withdrawals.

last student access

  1. Click Connect then Classlist in the navbar.
  2. Find the user whose progress you want check and click the down arrow to the right of the users name and select View Progress (see screenshot).
  3. Click Course Access and Login History in the left bar to view last student access.

inactive students

Viewing User Progress

content views

For more information about monitoring students' online activity, click here.

Posting announcements

Creating an Announcement

Adding an Announcement for a Future Date

Managing Announcements (Edit, Reorder, Dismiss, Delete)

Posting additional course materials

Course Content


Grades and Submissions

Click Course Admin in the navbar to see more available options.

Editing pages

Syllabus 101 (what can change and what can’t during the term)

Course Outline Requirements

Adding users

Adding instructors

Adding TAs

Adding Teaching Assistants

Adding guest students

Guest Student

Adding guest instructors

Adding a Guest Speaker to Your Course

For more information about roles and permissions, click here.